The Blind Relief Association Nagpur

The Blind Relief Association Nagpur (T.B.R.A.N.) was established in 1928, with “Help the Handicap” as the motto. The Institution is marching ahead on the footsteps of its pioneer Shri. Raosaheb Wamanrao Wadegaonkar and is working for the betterment of the visually challenged for the last 85 years.

The main aim and objective of the institute are to be a ray of hope for the visually challenged. The Institute is striving hard not only to enrich their knowledge, ensure meaningful life, status in society but also to develop self-respect and confidence. The founder of this institution Late Shri Wamanrao Wadegaonkar who himself was visually impaired with special deep insight. He opened a new gateway and showed the path to the visually challenged to lead a life of self-reliance and dignity in society. He worked with exceptional zeal and dedicated his life to uplift the lives of the visually challenged.

The Blind Relief Association Nagpur, has been ceaselessly striving to serve the socio-economically deprived visually challenged personnel to find the means to lead an active, meaningful life, especially with a view to enable them to earn a respectable livelihood.

The Institution basically aims at fulfilling the essential needs and aspirations of the visually challenged. It provides the following facilities to all pupils free of charge.

(a) Formal school education from the 1st to 7th standard in co-education pattern between 7 to 14 years of age.
(b) Integrated education from 8th to 10th standard in co-education pattern in the integrated school to extend the opportunity to interact and live with normal sighted children.

The institute provides free hostel inclusive of lodging, refreshment and food as well as medical facilities to all inmates. Similarly the institute provides free uniforms, Braille text books, Braille writing slates, Braille papers, mathematics slates, special tactual reading aids, maps, replicas, good library, audio cassettes, tape recorders to the students. Apart from formal education, the institute encourages all-round development of the students through participation in cultural activities, sports, music, craft and many other competitions. About 130 students’ boys and girls are accommodated in Hostel.